This time of the year, during the Jewish Holidays, reminds me of 2 different events that left a powerful imprint on my life and my being. In some ways there are on an entirely different spectrum and on the other hand, they strongly braided one in another.

Usually, during Sukkot (Jewish Holidays) I would spend some time in Mysore, India, with a group of students in my Teacher Training Course. I can't imagine how would my life unfold unless I visited India every year.
The shortest visit was 5 days. It was when my Mom was very ill and I had to return home ahead of time. The same night I landed in Tel Aviv and visited her in the hospital, she passed away. They say that hearing is the last sense a person can feel even under a comma. I guess she heard my voice and this is how she said goodbye.
At this stage I was a mom of 2 kids, Danny was 3 years old then, and Michael was a 5-month-old baby.
Losing my mother when I only started enjoying being a mother myself was beyond my comprehension.
The only way I kept my sanity in raising two small children, running a full-time Yoga Studio, and taking care of my Dad and his loss was coming from the strength I brought from my transformational experiences in India.
I learned a lot about death and life in India and I guess it gave me the right amount of power and understanding to deal with my own grief and accept my Mama’s death.

Death used to scare me, a lot. It still does, but less. What shifted is that now Death reminds me to Live. To live every day like my Mother loved living.
This year it is 7 years anniversary since she passed away. But her magic lives in my heart. We all go through grieving, in some or another way, in different aspects of life.
If you are going through a difficult time in your life, my advice would be: to allow yourself to feel what is arising.
Give your grief or sadness or other feelings space and time. Acknowledge it, don’t run away from it.
Look it in the eye and sit with it. This is where healing takes place.
I hope this helps you.
Today’s video is about how to use yoga props in Savasana.
And, as always, in restorative yoga practice, I love using Inhale Exhale yoga blankets, made with love and high-quality material by talented Martin.
Enjoy a 15% discount using the code Vicky. May it serve you in your practice:
This month I will be teaching 2 in-person workshops in Israel (one is sold out), but some places are still available for Breathe! Yoga & Wim Hof Workshop. It is about Yoga and Immunity and how we can integrate healthy habits into our daily living.
Metamorphosis Desert Retreat is taking place in Jordan, November 3-6.
A few spots left available.
And lastly, Adriano and I will be celebrating the end of the 2022 year and welcoming 2023 in a beautiful beach resort in Goa where we will spend 10 days: Sanklapa Wellness Retreat- Goa, India, 8-19 December
You, as my blog reader, get the early bird discount and one free online private session with me if you register for any of the events above by October 28th (:
How cool is that?
These are the last offerings for 2022. Don’t postpone them to tomorrow or next month or after the holidays or next year(:
Make some time for your sweet self and join us at one or more of these events.
Most of the days I post on my Instagram page, please follow there to connect.
Thank you for being here.
Poet and author Annie Dillard on the value of a schedule:
"How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives. What we do with this hour, and that one, is what we are doing. A schedule defends chaos and whim. It is a net for catching days."
Source: The Writing Life
Thank you for being here, reading, and connecting.
Big Namaste and Gmar Hatima Tova to all my Jewish friends.
Bless you yellow yogi sister… love you ❤️
Lior P