Photos from my last workshop in Israel, April 2024.
My birthday is coming up this Saturday, April 27th, Taurus sign (:
Yes, I am a stubborn bull (: and if I am not balanced, my Pitta fire can burn me and those around me. Another good reason why I practice Yoga. (: But Taurus also gives me a deep connection to Earth, lots of curiosity, strength, and a craving for vast freedom. This is also why I love teaching Yoga so much. It inspires me and gives me a purpose.
Since I was a little girl, I loved adventures and was inclined to changes in life.
This year I will be turning 45! OMG, even typing the number, makes it surreal.
If you ask me how old I feel, I would tell you that no older than my early 30th.
The number doesn’t make sense, never did for me. My inner child is alive this year more than ever.
Maybe this is why seeing this quote made me love it so much:
‘’ Don't just sleepwalk in life’’
Maybe you would love it too (:

A photo from our Evia Retreat in Greece, March 2024.
The longer I live, the more I want to nurture healthy relationships with myself and others, to judge less. to have freedom in my calendar, live without pain, and to focus on what really matters.
Life can get pretty demanding, overwhelming, sad & scary (and most of the time it is), but we have only one opportunity (in this incarnation, if you believe in it), so we might as well, use our time here wisely, living with purpose and not just sleepwalking.
If you are celebrating your birthday, this month, if you are Taurus like me, happy birthday to you! Embrace your Taurus sign and let it lead you to new joyful terrains.
I love you!
This summer I have the pleasure to invite you to take yourself on a retreat where you don’t need to cook, you don’t need to be responsible, cleaning up, making laundry, supporting, taking care of others but truly allowing yourself to relax, rest, and rebalance.
We are living in an overdemanding, social media-driven, overachieving society. We are overworked over caffeinated and overstimulated.
When we are spending time away from our endless to-do lists, and our roles, we find our inner voices, remember our deep needs and forgotten dreams and we are awakening from sleepwalking in life’
This retreat is for you if you need more focus on the importance of ''your time'', YOU!!
You have a special offer of 100 euros discount if you join by the end of April.
A gift from me to you for my birthday!
Paros Island Yoga Vacation The Ebbs and Flows of Life, Yoga Retreat
10 July – 14 July 2024
Tao’s Center, Paros, Greece
Photos of our Yoga space and hotel in Paros.
‘’ Take the long way around, choose the path few would take, where time is savored not spent. Only cut the corners that should be cut, because time flies fast enough. Capture all it has to give.’’
If you live in Athens, or visiting us during May, please join us for the one-day urban retreat I am holding together with a dear friend, Argie. It will be great to have you there.

May 11, 2024Acropol Brown Hotel, Athens
For more details, please email me back at
Would you love to have a daily routine of a yoga practice?
This is a video to inspire you to move, breathe, and enjoy for 10 min a day on your yoga mat!
Less is betterg than nothings: a 10 min of yoga prcatice
Mastering the Art of Healthy Sitting Is available in person or online and it is designed for companies and individuals.
To schedule your workshop email me at:
If you like reading this, it would mean the world to me if you shared it with a friend. You can simply forward this email to anyone who might benefit from a little Yoga in his/her life.
Happy holidays to you and your family!
Hugs across the skies!
Affiliates I am working with (I recommend only products that I use myself )
Most days I post on my Instagram page, please follow there to connect.
For more inspirational ideas for your practice, please visit my YouTube channel.