Photos from Meteora,Greece,2024
Dear one,
I just returned home from an 18-day road trip with my family. What a journey!
Traveling fascinates me. It feels like flying high (without taking an airplane) in the skies, above my daily life, routine, thoughts, conditioning, or beliefs. It feels so liberating and spontaneously free and I love how it changes my perspective on my world and in general.
For me, being away, like flying, in foreign countries, meeting new cultures, and climbing high mountains (: is about getting to know myself better, and this inspires me to take flight again and again. It is exhausting sometimes, especially traveling with 3 kids, but it is necessary, to my opinion, for our self-evolution and transformation.
Taking this road trip was breaking free from my comfort zone and from a particular way of thinking or feeling or being. Traveling, like in Yoga, for me is rising above our habitual ways of thinking about things and experiencing new insights. This is what it means to open our minds. This is what yoga teaches us: to become the observer, to be unattached to our thoughts, and to experience life in the present moment.
It was very tiring taking care of our children 24/7, changing places, and beds, and not always having a quiet place to sleep. Now, that I am home, grounded after a juicy 20 min savasana, I am thankful, heart open, brain soft.
Being back on my yoga mat this morning I realized that there are many forms to taking flight, for some people, it is traveling, for some it is making art or music, running or writing, and for me, it is a deep connection through the yoga practice, especially slow flow, sitting in silence or lying in delicious supported Savasana.
Yoga helps us remember our true nature and teaches us to free ourselves from identification with the temporary state of our physical forms. The more we stretch our wings, the clearer it becomes that taking flight is a state of presence that simply reminds us of who we really are.
Today's quote:
‘’‘’I encourage us to make tenderness a daily practice, and one of our core values. It's important to keep meeting people and moments in our lives with gentleness. It's very powerful to be a quiet, steady, and kind person now—this is real strength in the face of a world that keeps telling us to harden. Being is so much more effective than telling. Through our presence, we can be deliberate, radical, and informative. The ripple effect of our confident humility is the most potent teacher. ‘’
Two questions from me to you today:
What makes you feel like flying?
What is shifting your perspective in these days?
In case you missed our 7-day challenge, one yoga pose a day, here is the first video:
This video is all about transitioning from Savasana to sitting to help you imprint relaxation in your nervous system.
For those of you who sit alot and want to releif a back pain, this video is for you.
May this material support your practice and well-being.
Please subscribe to show your support and share it with your loved ones.
Your presence here means a lot to me.
Do you need a Retreat?
Mysuru: October 2024
Goa Retreat- January 2025
Paros Retreat- July 2025
Would you like to discover the amazing therapeutic power of this Restorative practice?
Join us for Restorative Yoga Teacher Training
We begin this September, 23-27!
In-person, in Athens, Greece
Until we meet again, I am sending you love across the skies.
Affiliates I am working with (I recommend only products that I use myself )
Most days I post on my Instagram page, please follow there to connect.
For more inspirational ideas for your practice, please visit my YouTube channel.