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Someday is Today

Writer's picture: Vicky TomskyVicky Tomsky
pictures from this weekend, when everything felt fragile and sad and I let me tears to wash everything. Including my maskara (:

‘Someday is Today’, is the title of the new book I bought for Alon to read. I love reading books and I usually take one with me when I travel. But the reality of traveling with 3 kids is that these books never get open while we are on the road. So, I stopped bothering (:

When we left for Bulgaria, Alon optimistically packed his new book, and me? Being realistic, I packed nothing, But then, I ended up reading the book more than he did and now it has two bookmarks (: Guess who is leading?

I am sharing this with you because I struggle a lot with being present. Most of the time I live in the future. As a mother of three, I have always been pulled in 30 different directions, being always worried about what is next. The next work project, the next school year, kids’ future, lunch plans, holidays etc…

Yoga helps me to resist this urge of multi-hyper tasking and the more I practice, the better I get at this.

''Someday is Today" by Matthew Dicks is thought-provoking. The idea that living in the future, waiting for "someday," can lead to regrets resonates with many. It's a reminder for us to take risks, pursue our dreams, and not delay living the life we desire.

Yoga, with its emphasis on breath, movement, and mindfulness, provides a powerful means to anchor oneself in the present.

Yoga teaches us a lot about THIS moment, not in the future and not in the past, but cultivating awareness of the right here, right now notion. When we practice Asana, we are focused on our breath, and our movement, and as such, the mind gets quieter. Yoga Practice time is one of my favorite moments during the day. When I am not bombarded by a trillion thoughts (which are negative most of the time) per minute.

When I practice yoga, it slows me down. My focus becomes clear, my breath is steady and wide. I can find more space inside me more easily, becoming softer, and calmer and I can stay connected longer during the day if I practiced that morning.

‘’Someday is Today’’ is a good reminder for us to take risks, pursue our dreams, and not delay living the life we desire.

What is your thing that you keep postponing to ‘’Someday’’?

How can you start working on it today? Think about your future self, looking back from the age of 85 years old. What advice would you give your younger self?

This is mine: ''Stop worrying too much my little one, everything is ok, you have it all to be happy, just live, don't postpone anything! ''

Here is how it starts (page 3):

''Someday causes people to live small lives filled with wishes and dreams and delay and inaction. Someday is the world that allows people to wait until it’s too late. Someday is why two of the greatest regrets expressed by people at the end of life are ‘’I wish I’d taken more risks’’ and ‘’I wish I’d lived my own dream’’
The Worst Word someday is Today by Matthew Dicks

What is coming up:

March 11-15, 2024

Athens, Greece

Early Bird registration runs until February 10th. And for you, my dear readers, there is a special offer:

Join our Restorative Yoga Training by the end of January and receive:


1.    One private online/live session with me. It could be Yoga or Ayurveda-related

2.    150 euros discount!


NEW!!! Summer Yoga Vacation with me in Paros, Greece: 

For Women Only

10 July – 14 July 2024

Tao’s Center, Paros, Greece

Early Bird is available now:

Today I am sharing with you 2 video practices: one is dynamic and one is restorative. They both offer wonderful ways to further cultivate mindfulness and presence.



A restorative backbend to reset your spinning mind (you will need one yoga bolster and one yoga block)

New Workshop: Mastering the Art of Healthy Sitting Is available in person or online and it is designed for companies and individuals.

To schedule your workshop email me at:


If you like reading this, it would mean the world to me if you shared it with a friend. You can simply forward this email to anyone who might benefit from a little Yoga in his/her life.

May we remember more to live in the present moment and appreciate the beauty of NOW. This is a valuable lesson that can contribute to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.


Yours in this discovery.


Affiliates I am working with (I recommend only products that I use myself )

Most days I post on my Instagram page, please follow there to connect.

For more inspirational ideas for your practice, please visit my YouTube channel.



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